Saturday, October 12, 2013

Vice Chairman, China National Mental Technology Application Research Association

Qiu Chen-chen
•President of Noam Four Pacific Group, Chairman & President,
•Doctor of Psychology, School of Management, Fudan postdoctoral, East China Normal University,
• Distinguished Expert Central Organization Department cadres Examination and Assessment Center,
• Vice Chairman, China National Mental Technology Application Research Association 

In 1992, Dr. Qiu undertook research aimed at designing and developing assessment tools and related technological assessment tools for performance evaluation. This represented the first time that China had successfully created its own universal personnel quality evaluation system for the civil service examination. He has presided over the "Central Organization Department and the Method of Selection of Party and Government Leaders," "National Civil General Aptitude Test Research," "Professional Manager Quality Assessment System," and other projects. He has done this work on behalf of the State Council, the SASAC supervision enterprises open recruitment of senior management personnel and invited technical experts.  His doctoral thesis was entitled, "Modern Talent Assessment Theories and Methods," and it offered important solutions that contributed to the first domestic talent evaluation for the first systematic study of domestic talent evaluation papers.

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