Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Recruiting Chinese Talents Back to Mainland China

Unlike the governments of other countries, China has been actively recruiting talented Chinese citizens who have settled in other countries. The Chinese administration has regarded the policy of recruiting them to work for China as a shortcut to improving the country’s economy.

On October 21, 2013, the United States magazine “Christian Science Monitor” sighed at the conditions under which China’s government has been recruiting Chinese back into the country. For the past 10 years, similar complaints have been acknowledged. This is evidence that the efforts in talent acquisition are considered an important step on the path of reviving the country. 

Expatriate Chinese talent has been a primary supply of human capital for the scientific development of mainland China. In modern history, there have been three well-known economic surpasses:  UK surpasses US, Japan surpasses US, and Korea surpasses Europe. The secret behind these economic surpasses: HR talent management and acquisitions.

Ever since the Sixteenth Chinese Congressional Year 10 years ago, under the strong leadership of talent management nationwide, China has advanced forward in becoming a world leader. 
“In the 21st century, talent is the most important asset,” as said in a movie. This a very truthful statement for the current needs of talent in China.

In today’s world, China’s strength is related to the growing potential of China’s talent. History has provided the evidence that national economic development is strongly associated with the development of leaders in science and technology.   This leadership development can promote further economic and social development and can actively advance a nation to the next level. 

In terms of farmland, China’s per capita is only 43% of the world average; for forest and woodlands the average per capita is 1/6 of world’s per capita; freshwater resources are ¼ of world average. China possesses 12% of the world’s minerals. Per capita, that is only 58% of the average.

If China doesn’t quickly transform its strategies for advancement, the nation will encounter difficulties in trying to develop outside its borders.  The risks encountered in this unpredictable markets.   Without positive transformation, it will be difficult to stay competitive during downturns. When ecological resources are limited, it is difficult to improve the chances of becoming materially better-equipped.

The news reminds us constantly that China is becoming a pioneer in self-innovation. In this newly developed innovative culture, the label “Made in China” will be soon transformed into “Made by Chinese Talent,” a shift that could allow China to depend upon itself rather than to be dependent on ideas developed by other countries. 

How China can leap from a culture of manufacturing to a culture of innovation?
Talent! Only through talent management.  Talent can direct the road.

The “2002-2005 National Plan for Talent Development”  suggested to first initiate the “implementation of this talent acquisition strategy,” to the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. The New China National Talent Work Conference made “on further strengthening the work for this decision, the implementation of full deployment of this strategy.” 

After the inclusion of the “Strategy of Employing Talent Management to Advancing China” in the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” from the central party, the congress introduced a newly-established national talent meeting which made the decision of “advancing the works of talent management.” This strategy is to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics as the three basic strategies. One written into the party’s congress report and the new constitution.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued a “(2010-2010) National Talent Development Program” addition to the “12-5” plan, which describes talent development as the primary resource for national wealth, which will provide an important argument in persuading the government to develop high quality personnel.

“In this period of 10 years, China’s rapid development has provided us with a great opportunity.”   After Chinese Railway first line workers participated in Beidaihe summer vacation, Giant Xiaolin expert commented: “In respective positions on the dedication of our effort and wisdom, we won the country’s trust and respect.”

For the past 10 years, the national effort has been focusing on mainly on accelerating the development of qualified personnel, which has positively impacted many sectors of the Chinese economy.  Talent development can lead to and support economic and social development. Developing and managing talent has been regarded as one of the most important driving forces for the development of science. 

Changes from established trends often occur inadvertently. “It is the opportunity that [we] need to develop for attracting overseas students back to work,” said Professor Zhang, Beijing University of Science and Technology. Now the conditions of the policies are better, we the Chinese have the responsibility to contribute to the development of our mother country. 

On one hand, China has been actively recruiting overseas Chinese students back to China. On another hand, China has been actively cultivating talents in the mother land. At this point, China has 1,400 “house” academians and more than 5,000 young experts with outstanding professional contribution. Ever since the 2003 “Hundred Talent Projects,” the selection of more than 2,700 people at national level, 15.8 million people have enjoyed special government allowances and more than 70,000 have become post-doctoral researchers, high-level professional and technical personnel. 

“Why has China’s study of science and technology developed more rapidly than that of many other countries?  Hu Angang, director of the Center for China Studies at Tsinghua University, reasons that the training of Chinese talent, especially the growth rate of the number of scientists and engineers in China, has caused this rapid national growth.  This national growth has also benefited from significant growth in higher education and personnel efficiency.

During the past 10 years, the overall growth of talent in China, the quality and the optimization of the infrastructure, the recruitment of high quality personnel, the rewarding of highly skilled personnel, the availability of outstanding HR services, and the types of personnel available have made considerable progress.
Over 10 years of growth, China has reached 120 million HR personnel, who account for 11% of the working professional population. Over 10 years of development, reflected in the improvement in the quality of talents by 2010, China R&D personnel now account for 33.6 people per 10,000 individuals in the labor force. The proportion of skilled personnel accounted for 25.6% of the workforce and the proportion of highly educated was 12.5%.

At the end of 2010, the investment in human capital has reached a GDP ratio of 12%. The human capital contribution to the economic rate reached 32.6%, and the contribution of human capital to the economic growth rate reached 26.6%.

Reflecting upon of the personnel structure at the end of 2008, stated the over the past 10 years of transformation, the ratios of high level, middle level, and entry level workers in the government agencies have changed from 7.3: 33.4: 53.2 to 9.9:36.8:44.2. The impact of human capital has  caused the government to undergo historic changes. Non-public organizations of professional and technical personnel has reached 38.5%. 

The Chinese people have become more optimistic about the future, the spirit of reform, the development of innovative ideas, and institutional innovation.  During these 10 years of transformation, the development of a talent network has gradually become recognized as a crucial factor in the development of an economic network.  Human capital has been an important factor in advancing science.

Beijing, Teijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and other cities have started offering residence visas, skilled migration, financial support, tax concessions, and equity incentives. Social security has taken a series of special measures to promote the settled talent “Promised Land.”
10 year of incentive. Honorary recognition and materialistic incentive to full acknowledge the value of knowledge and learning.

State Supreme Science and Technology Award, Natural Science Award, Technological Invention Award, Science and Technology Progress Award and the International Science and Technology Cooperation. A series of incentive systems that inspire all kinds of talents contribute their talents.
10 year of creation.  Dizzy major projects and key projects develop a broad platform the growth of talent.

Achievement behind the Aerospace Science and Technology talent can 

10 year of improvement- Recruiting and hiring talents have been based on the principles of “democratic, open competitive, merit-based,” 

In this market, talent decide what careers and jobs to choose. Employers in the market can choose their employees. As the mechanisms for talent evaluation reform intensifies, evaluations that are more based on the principles of judging employees against the goals of the organization are likely to increase in popularity. 

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